Would you like to learn how to dramatically and quickly improve your performance?
Video Yourself!
What Speaking coach Mike Landrum says, interviewed by Marc Ragan, is plain simple:
The first step of any kind of learning has to be "self-awareness"
Most of us, when we're in a presentation mode, might be self-conscious, but not self-aware
Video enables us to see ourselves from the point of view of the audience
Preparing with Video shortens the learning curve
I love Marc Ragan videos. They're short,entertaining and packed with practical tips.
Watch Mike Landrum video ,where he discusses the
biggest stumbling block of speakers, how video can improve their performance,
and the problem with using PowerPoint in speeches.
Mary Ellen Egen, from Forbes Woman, interviews Le Mae Allen De Jongh, Managing Director Accenture about the key findings of Accenture's survey.
What do Millennial women want?
Millennials represent the third of the workforce today, and it's only increasing.
Women are almost half of the workforce today.
How do millennial women define a successful career?
3 Key Findings for leading companies :
TO LISTEN : a majority of women are very confident they can strike the balance and have a very rewarding professional as well as personal life.
TO RESPOND : women value medical benefits and flexibility in career path over other key drivers.
TO DEVELOP TRAINING : harvest the confidence they have and offer taylor leadership development programs. So that young women can exploit the strength that they have and be successful once they reach the top positions.
The Next Generation of Women at the work place have a high level of self confidence, right now.They believe they can "have it all", and achieve life /work" flow."
If we want that trend to be sustainable, leading companies need to give them what they want :
Flexibility, in terms of career path or benefits.
Taylored Leadership Development Trainings
What does it have to do with Communication Skills?
I believe communication skills are one of the key skills of leadership today, more than ever.
There are three subjects that passionate me : Women, Cartoons and ...Cooking!
You already had a taste about my first passion with a series on Women Speakers (the second is coming out soon!)
I love comics, cartoons characters and animated movies (here more on Pixar, Disney, The Incredibles, the use of figurines in learning and coaching, Ratatouille, and many more to come!)
Now I am starting another series on Presentations Recipes From The Around The World (first with Roman Cooking, Presentation a la Cicero!)
"I once opened a presentation skills class by saying (with spatula in
hand)"They say that giving a great presentation is like cooking a
great meal."Then I asked them as a group to come up with 20 ways that
presenting is like cooking a great meal. This lead to a 45 minute
discussion touching on most of the things we were going to cover
throughout the two day class. It opened up one of the best discussions
I've ever had in a class.
Maybe you could have participants put together their own cooking show
to develop their presentation skills. They can even have a Top Chef
competition. Sounds like a fun way to get people going."
I love this idea! Organizing a Top Chef competition to teach people presentation skills!
What do you think about that?
...I already have some ideas about where it would take place, in my home town Lyon, The Capital of Gastronomy.
As you may have guessed, the idea would be to promote Women Chefs, as well as men, since women are missing leadership positions not only as CEO's, but as Restaurant Chefs and conductors.
It's a movement on the rise.It's no big deal...Just the future of humanity.
Why Girls?
"Adolescent girls are uniquely capable of raising the standard of living in the developing world. Girls are the most likely agents of change, but they are ofteninvisibleto their societies and to our media."
"When everyone-girls, parents, teachers, executives, artists, hairdressers, forest rangers, rock stars, presidents, investors, advertisers, skateboarders, truckers, cowboys, organizations, chefs, teenagers - knows about The Girl Effect, then real change can happen.The site is just the beginning.The end is nothing less than ending poverty."
What can we do?
First, simply watch this 2 minutes presentation, a few animated words dancing at the rythm of our thoughts. Learn how:
Presentations can be highly effective and powerful
Then share, speak about it and contribute to the ripple effect.
Want the facts on the Power of Girls?
Go to The Girl Effect site and download the girl effect fact sheet. Very valuable information to discover and share with the world.
Why do I post such a video on a presentation skills blog?
I use my Generosity, Creativity and Passion to Boost Your Next Online Presentation !
And I really love to work with women from all generations, speaking all
languages or with men who believe in women's leadership and actively
support them!
The Girl Effect combines all these words, and want to be speaking about it!
Please share this post, go to the Girl Effect Site and make ripples!
When you reach the Top of the Top, "la Crème de la crème" of the most successful leaders of the world, and you're the only woman out of The 100 Best Performing CEOs in the World,the way you communicate and express yourself in public is certainly worth studying.
Hence, Meg Whitman makes the first of my series about 12 women leaders and 12 communication styles.
What makes her stand out?
How does she communicate?
How could she act as a role model for women in business?
Let's watch her first in this speech
What makes her stand out?
Ease, confidence and flexibility, combined with strong persuasion.
Leading eBay from 1998 to 2008, Meg Whitman helped the Company grow from 30
employees and a little over $ 4million in revenue to more than 15,000
employees and nearly $8 billion in revenue
Prior to eBay, she held various leadership positions with Procter&Gamble, Disney and Hasbro
She's now running for Governor of California
How does she communicate?
A charismatic leader, she uses influence rather than force.
She's flexible when persuasion is needed to convince others, yet fast-paced, swift at making decisions.
famous for being excellent at expressing ideas and she has brought to eBay her
natural charisma and a strong desire to make a decisive impact.
How could she act as a role model for women in business?
Meg Whitman is The Symbol of Success in Corporate America:
"If you’re looking for a role model for your children or grandchildren,
look no further. Share the details of her past and simply focus your
attention to your newspaper, magazine, television or the internet to
see what she’s mastering at the moment. Her bio reads like a fairy
tale, and just when you think her career has peaked, she takes it to
another level." Harry K.Jones
She personifies Confidence which is what women crave for
She combines a preference for Self-Enhancement, rather masculine, with listening skills, boosted by a great enthusiasm and optimism.
Both women AND men can identify with her.
Here's what eBay's executives say about her :
Apart from the fact this is also a political campaign for California, and I don't support any political party here, what strikes me is the way these men speak about their ex CEO :
"Joyful, always having fun, huge smile. She's got a great laugh." (Henry Gomez, former Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs, eBay.)
"She's your friend, she's the one who challenges you, she's the one who pushes you to new heights." (Bill Cobb,former President eBay North America.)
"With her laser light focus,she would get to the two or three things which really matters, knock them out and then move on to the next." (Rajiv Dutta, former President Marketplaces, Paypal and Skype, and CFO eBay.)
They're in adoration with the Goddess Meg!
That's why I called her the laser light with a big smile!
Persuaders have a strong personal drive to lead and guide others. They are likely to have developed a strong ability to convince others through a variety of communication skills, which can include communicating with a large audience, assertiveness and understanding the motivational drives of others.
Verbal and non-verbal communication : clear, direct but well-structured argument, free flowing body movements, vocally forceful without raising their voice.
If we take into account the cultural mapping of the SPM, this dimension is also very representative of the Anglo-Saxon culture, and especially the US.
I started with an emblematic personality for the United States, representing a model of assertivity, self-confidence and clear communication.
Meg Whitman is a charismatic woman in a men's world.
We'll see that there are other ways of expressing our voice, around the world, depending on our culture and our values.
It's the 31 st of January, and my first of 12 posts about women leaders.Thanks to your enthusiastic comments , tweets and emails, I'm starting to collect plenty of new names, different personalities I would never have thought before.
Thank YOU!
I also decided to write in collaboration with Ann Perschell, who is as passionate as I am about empowering women.
With Dorothy Dalton, "it's never too late to start up", or to speak up, we're co-creating a workshop to empower European Women in Bruxelles.
In addition to this series, I intend to conduct interviews of women I met thanks to twitter, who have found their Voice and learned to express it, with more or less assertivity or confidence, but always with integrity and passion. They will tell their stories and share their successes, their failures and their hopes, their role models and also their tips.
If you want to be part of this adventure, leave me a comment now!
The only thing I knew from Scott Berkun until now, from France, was the huge success of his latest book with the provocative and teasing tittle "Confessions of a Public Speaker".
I read somewhere on Twitter that this guy reminded someone of Tom Cruise 's character in Magnolia.Not a big fan of Tom Cruise, let alone of The Preacher ' style, so I didn't investigate further.
This guy looked a little like dynamite for me, red and dangerous!
By mistake, I picked up one extract in Spanish, but actually, since I don't understand Spanish, it's less insulting to watch!(sorry the Spanish speakers, the content might be very rude). Just check the first minute and the body language gives you enough clues to understand what's going on...
Then I read "How to be Passionate" (when you open your mouth) and stopped to watch Scott Berkun for the first time. I made my own judgement. Make yours!
Scott Berkun 's 4 "lessons" :
My life is at stake.
I believe what I say.
I’ve extended my range.
I have great respect for anyone who voluntarily listens to me.
Here's what I wrote on his blog:
"Now I understand why people talk so much about you and why you make such an impact.
It’s the first time I’m watching a video of you, and frankly, I
expected you to come across much more excited and “like a preacher on
cocaine”. Instead, I see simplicity, honesty and humility wrapped into pure dynamite, “ignited” by100% PRESENCE."
Triggered 3 ideas :
1) In business presentations too,the most essential is to believe and care about what you say and why you say it.
No wonder we, as presentation coaches and trainers, find it so
hard for corporate clients to express themselves with Passion. Do they
believe in what they say? Do they actually feel that put their life at
stake when they present? Do they respect those who listen to them?…
Our role is to remind them of the fire which is burning inside of them.Why do they CARE?
Taking them back in touch with their inner child is one way.Telling their story is another.
2) There’s a cultural dimension when you’re
speaking in public.
I agree with Olivia Mitchell's comment that there’s a cultural dimension when you’re
speaking in public. We each need to find what is the most comfortable
with our personality and our culture and pay attention to the
audience’s culture. But point 4 (respecting anyone who’s listening
to me) should take care of that! More on cultural dimensions with my blog series on 12 Women Speakers, 12 Communication Styles , based on the SPM approach.
3) There are other kinds of energy.
Scott Berkun talks about volume, about gestures, postures, facial
expressions.Smiling and making eye contact are also potential
“dynamites”.Using my background and training as a theater actress, I’ve
discovered other sources of energy. It comes from within, from your
desire to share. It can be turned off or full watts, just like a light
bulb.You hardly need to speak very loud or gesticulate when you find
it. Actually you could very much stay still and silent and be intensely
Tap into your desire to share and contact this energy.
What does it look like? How does it feel? How does it sound like? How could you make it grow in intensity? How could you translate it so that people around you get it and act on it directly?
I started writing this post last Friday. Meanwhile I gave two days of training in Stress Management that ended just yesterday evening.
Stress is like the fire burning inside of us which ignites the energy and the passion Scott Berkun is talking about. Too little and you're invisible or boring, too much and you're burning yourself and others!
I spent two days helping managers to "play with this fire" and learn how to handle it with great respect and courage in order to share it with honesty, simplicity and effectiveness.
Having read Scott Berkun's 4 presentation lessons helped me give this talk.I made sure that each of the participants recognized the powerful energy there was inside of them and learned how to channel it and spread it,respecting their personal rythms and differences, according to the cultural environment they were into.
I hope it will help you, too!
What sort of reactions does it trigger, for you?
How do you connect with this fire? Does it look, feel, sound like dynamite or like camp fire?
They created "Marketing to Women quick facts" a short animated film presenting the growing power of women in the economy today.
This video makes an ideal transition with my last series about the Future of Presentations.
Have you noticed?
It's simple
It's short
it's interactive (we tweet about it and hopefully comment it , too!)
it's collaborative (shared on you Tube, on Blogs, etc...)
and it's fun!
If I chose to post this video to start twenty ten (ah, I don't care I'm French, so I can say twenty ten as much as I want!),with WOMEN, it's because I am writing a new series of 12 posts about women speakers.
Yes! Twelve Women for Twelve Months in Twenty Ten.
I like to give myself challenges!
Twelve women to illustrate 12 communication
styles :
Meg Whitman
Carly Fiorina
Andrea Jung
Arianna Huffington
Charlene Li
American but also...French, British, Spanish, Corean, Chinese ,Indian women, etc...
I believe women's voices need to be expressed and heard all around theworld, in very different styles of communication, according to various styles of leadership too.If you have examples of women in business who are remarquable speakers, you're invited to comment and leave me a short note, a name, a link to a video or an audio if you have.I'd be happy to write a post about it and help other women understand how they could improve their public speaking.Our voice is UNIQUE,just like our finger prints.
We need to express it, confidently and with enthusiasm!
Incredibly hard! I've been struggling with it for one week. Okay, there was Christmas in between, and a house still full of teenagers, their friends and a husband in holidays, all hungry all the time and wanting to be entertained...Still...I thought I'd have fun writing this last post of the year and "end in beauty" 2009.
What is Fun? Is putting a silly hat and making jokes fun? Mmmm, NO!
(By the way,the title of this picture is fun "overexcited nerd")
What is NOT Fun? Serious-Hard-Tedious-Soporific-Moralistic-Preaching-Self-centered-Righteous-Perfection-BORING!
Why is Fun so hard? It's because it's often unpredictible. If I tell you I'm going to write a post about fun , I find myself seriously paralyzed by the injunction I need to find funny stuff to say...
Why is it so powerful in presentation? It makes us human and alive! And we're craving for humanity in our virtual world...
What is Fun?Fun is the "E" in TED.Fun is Entertaining.Fun is humour.Fun is play. Fun is light. Fun is creative. Fun is joy. Fun is freedom. Fun is free!
Here are The TED Commendments - Rules that every speaker needs to know, thanks to Tim Longhurst.
Thou Shalt Not Simply Trot Out thy Usual Shtick
Thou Shalt Dream a Great Dream, or Show Forth a Wondrous New Thing, Or Share Something Thou Hast Never Shared Before
Thou Shalt Reveal thy Curiosity and Thy Passion
Thou Shalt Tell a Story
Thou Shalt Freely Comment on the Utterances of Other Speakers for the Sake of Blessed Connection and Exquisite Controversy
Thou Shalt Not Flaunt thine Ego. Be Thou Vulnerable. Speak of thy Failure as well as thy Success.
Thou Shalt Not Sell from the Stage: Neither thy Company, thy Goods,
thy Writings, nor thy Desparate need for Funding; Lest Thou be Cast
Aside into Outer Darkness.
Thou Shalt Remember all the while: Laughter is Good.
Thou Shalt Not Read thy Speech.
Thou Shalt Not Steal the Time of Them that Follow Thee
What is NOT fun?You would think statistics, graphs, data, figures are not fun.Or announcing the decline of Occident.Think again!Have you ever heard and watched Hans Roesling talk about statistics and the rise of Asia?
So you've got it. Anything can be fun, entertaining. Even the most boring business report.
Why is Fun so hard? Especially when we're speaking in public.
we want to be taken seriously! We present our personal selves in front
of others, publicly...at work!
Work is supposed to be a serious place, (Working is for adults-Playing is for Children...)
We don't want to make a fool of ourselves!
We want to be in control and "masters" of the situation!
We're supposed to be the Experts...
We don't want to show the others that in fact...we don't know
We are afraid of humiliation in front of our peers
Why is fun so powerful in presentations? And especially online?
"Le rire est le propre de l'homme" RabelaisLaughter is unique to man said Rabelais(and not" laughter is the cleanser of man", like I found in Wikipedia!)...although laughter can clean the soul...
When we're funny and making people laugh, we are saying:
"Hey! I am a human being! Just like you!"
We make mistakes. We fail.We're authentic. REAL. VULNERABLE.ALIVE. Opposed to the remote and virtual perfect image on our desktops...
Fun has become part of our life, personally, socially and professionally.
Bonus! If you are a presenter and want to learn more about Making Presentation Fun, join Lisa Braithwaite's Ning Network at Speak Schmeak
You will find, among many others, Olivia Mitchell, Steve Cherches, Cliff Atkinson, Rich Hopkins,Tony Ramos sharing stories on what they have done to add fun to a presentation.
You can share your own stories right now, in the comment box just for you!
Thanks to one of Olivia Mitchell's tweets a few weeks ago, I read a provocative article in The Financial Times, by sarcastic Lucy Kellaway.
Every Monday in The Financial Times, Lucy Kellaway makes fun of management fads and jargon, describing with irony the office life in her management column.
This is what I mean by sarcastic: "While nearly all men are poor at public speaking, women are even worse.
This is partly because women cannot tell jokes, but also because we are
better at self-awareness and therefore know that our speech is average
and the audience would rather be doing something else – thoughts that
do little to enhance performance."
I'm absolutely not sure about "women cannot tell jokes" and Lucy Kellaway certainly makes me laugh,but the reality is that a majority of women are still lacking self confidence.
Women might then spend more time seeking for advice,reading self-help books( and eBooks) getting prepared, participating to training courses, getting personal coaching. In consequence, in the next years, women should improve dramatically their communication skills!
They will also be less likely to make a real fool of themselves, because "more self-aware"...
I thought it would make perfect sense then to bring an illustration to this point.
One of my favorites British TV series is The Office.It represents for me the animated version of Dilbert Cartoon...I have often found myself in situations very similar at work, during seminars, endless meetings, meaningless trainings where I wish I had someone like Ricky Gervais to laugh with me at the absurdity of the Office Life. When I watch The office, when I read Dilbert or when I read Lucy Kellaway's column, I smile and I feel less lonely.
Ricky Gervais plays David Brent, a pathetic self-centered office manager who pretends to know it all.
In this short episode, David Brent is pretending to give a motivational speech...
What you don't want to happen to you is this :
Getting caught unprepared
Growing from confident to arrogant
Telling bad jokes
Reading platitudes and inspirational quotes aloud
Worse: ignoring your audience and your colleagues
Look at the audience 's faces, they express interrogation, growing from bewilderment to agony.
Today's lesson: Bring your Personality when you speak!
It's Sunday afternoon and after a long and delicious traditional Sunday lunch, we're relaxing by the fireplace, reading and listening to Glenn Gould playing Goldberg Variations by Bach.
The snow is gently falling on the vineyards and orchards, kids are playing. It smells Christmas cookies and I am sending tweets about my life, because I care about the new connections I have made online, and I believe they care, too. I care about the precious information, links to articles they share with me. But not only.
I value the discovery of a kaleidoscope of different life styles, cultures, languages, humour, sensitivities, social backgrounds, educations, visions of the world. Different Personalities.
Next time you prepare your presentation,make it more personal, include a story involving you.
"It used to be that women thought they had to check their personalities
at the door. But the more you need to hide, the less fulfilled you'll
be. We need to bring more of ourselves into that door, into our
workspace, so we feel more at home. " Charlene Li (Co-author of Groundswell, thought leader on emerging technologies)
Why Personality matters?
When people start talking about what happens to them, they become real. You can identify and you feel connected, closer. I am not speaking about disclosing your private life and secret garden, but moving from strictly professional to "more of YOU" into your professional life.
Here are two examples of how to bring Personality into presentations.
If I tell you "Everyday Revolutionaries-Hot Mommas", don't you want to know more about them ?
Rather than "Emerging Executive Women Leaders from Fortunes's 500"...well, I do. Sounds a little less boring...
Watch also this excellent Presentation
where 40 extraordinary women tell their stories and how personality has
played a role in building their own successful careers and businesses. You may also recognize Kathy Korman Frey , Chief hot Momma from Hot Mommas Project ,the World's largest library of virtual mentors & role models.
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