If you had to bring with you just 5 things in the desert and lonely Island of Professional Presentations ...
This post has been mainly inspired by Michael Hyatt's wonderful blog 1. Start with writing down the content on a mind mapThe most frequent mistake is to start writing and designing your presentation with your presentation software. This is restrictive and kills creativity.
Instead, use post-it of different colours, illustrating each topic, or a specific creativity booster software like mind mapping (there are so many you can find free).
Use paper and pencil and explore what you really want to say, what THEY really need to know, and then only, decide HOW you would like to illustrate it.
2. Choose Keynote rather than PowerPoint
Try it, you'll see!
3. Always take your remote control with you!
This is mine and I just love the freedom of movements it gives me,
plus it's "handy", reliable, small and the design is just great!
I have not even tried yet Apple's own Keynote Remote (your iPhone!), because I have been using this for years now,
and it's so simple.
This is Garr Reynolds, the author of Presentation Zen, being perfectly at ease when performing on stage, with great slides, (a big picture and a few words), his remote control and , most important, keeping the connection with his audience (eye contact, posture, smile, enthusiasm...)
I shall post soon about the art of designing Slides with Impact, Simplicity and Enthusiasm (yes, I really like this word!)
4. I learned only recently how to include a screen shot in my presentations
Using built-in capability with Macs, it's so simple and free.
Here is a narcissistic "auto google" of my professional identity on the web...mirror, mirror, tell me you is first to appear !
How to do this for free with your computer?
Apple Pro Tip Super Clean Screenshots!
5. The ultimate most fantastic presentation tool is...YOU, of course!
Never forget it.
- Accept to be seen, to be visible, ...and to see others
- Learn to accept yourself.
- Develop self confidence and take yourself lightly.
- It's OK to make mistakes.
- Keep your focus
- Do it plenty of time , take every opportunity to practice.
- Get some help, ask for feedback.
- Observe people who are great speakers. What do they do that inspire you?
- Rehearse, practice and be passionate about what you want to talk about.
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